Tampa, Fl., November 25, 2014. Dr. Kristin Pierce was recognized as the 2014 recipient of the Outstanding Dissertation Award from the Omicron Tau Theta organization (an honorary professional graduate society in career and technical education), at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Career and Technical Education Research (ACTER), on November 19th in Nashville, TN. The title of her dissertation is, Do Mathematics and Reading Competencies Integrated into Career and Technical Education Courses Improve High School Student State Assessment Scores? and her major professor is Dr. Victor Hernandez.
Every year, OTT selects the award recipient upon review of nominations submitted for the award, which is presented in the form of a plaque at the annual meeting of OTT. The purpose of Dr. Pierce's dissertation was to determine whether students who participated in CTE courses that integrated core mathematics and reading standards performed better on a test of mathematics and reading skills compared to students who participated in traditional, non-integrated courses. Kristin is currently serving as a Curriculum Specialist in the Volusia County Schools District. Kudos!
For more information about her dissertation you may visit her program page.