Tuesday, August 26, 2014

CWE Program Kick-off

The Career and Workforce Education program at USF held a kick-off meeting on Saturday, August 23, 2014 on campus. This event provides an opportunity to welcome new students in the Master of Arts in Career and Technical Education (MA in CTE) and the Ph.D. in Career and Workforce Education (Ph.D. in CWE). For current students, this meeting is used for course orientations, keep track of program progress, and for networking purposes. At this event, we registered an attendance of 58 participants including faculty and graduate students.

The meeting got started with a cohort orientation for new MA in CTE and Ph.D. in CWE students. In the MA in CTE program, a cohort of 20 graduate students are initiating the program, while 18 doctoral students are starting the Ph.D. in CWE. The new cohorts include students from Florida, Georgia, California, and one international student from Nigeria.

During lunch, Dr. Judith Ponticell, Chair of the Leadership, Counseling, Adult, Career and Higher Education (LCACHE), welcomed participants and offered her perspectives on the relevance of career and workforce education. At this time, new and current students were recognized along with faculty contributing to the program. Dr. Edward Fletcher's as Coordinator of the MA in CTE program was acknowledged for serving on that capacity over the past four years as he will take a break from that role beginning this fall. Dr. Johanna Lasonen's contribution coordinating the admission process for new doctoral students was also recognized at this time. The lunch break closed with an invitation from Shetay Ashford, Membership and Treasurer, to join the OTT-Alpha Gamma Chapter at USF. Lunch was provided by Ms. Bonnie James who has continuously supported program meetings with her generosity.

In the afternoon, the program kick-off continued with course overviews and library orientation session. The library orientation meetings were conducted by Susan Ariew, Research Librarian at the USF Tampa Library.

All in all, we had a productive day and we are now up and running on the 2014-2015 academic year. See photos of the kick-off program meeting below.