Wednesday, April 6, 2011

News You Need To Know

Looking Ahead to the Jobs Report
By MICHAEL POWELL. The New York Times, March 31, 2011. Maybe, just maybe, this is the month the job number pops. The March job report will be released Friday morning, and quite a few economists, to the extent that they can be drawn into such discussions, are betting on a number just short of 200,000. It’s not hard to understand that bet. The weekly unemployment claims have declined steadily, from the mid-400,000s to the neighborhood of 385,000. In almost any other context, the latter would be a grim number indeed. But in this slowest and most sluggish of recoveries, it is a sign of somewhat fewer layoffs. Learn more…

Graduated Success: Sustainable Economic Opportunity Through One- and Two-Year Credentials
The Center on Education and the Workforce. Eight years after graduating from high school, 43 percent of certificate holders earn a median annual salary that is higher than that earned by someone holding an associates degree. Twenty-seven percent earn more than someone hold- ing a bachelors degree. In a similar vein, 31 per- cent of associates degree holders earn more than someone holding a bachelors degree. In particu- lar, one- and two-year credentials in engineering and in health care can deliver higher salaries than bachelors degrees in other fields. Those holding engineering certificates earn an average annual salary of nearly $47,000, a figure higher than the average annual salary of associ- ates degree holders in the areas of liberal arts, the social and natural sciences and education. Health care certificate holders can earn a median sala- ry of about $46,000. The salaries of engineering and health care certificate holders are relatively close to what bachelors degree holders in the so- cial or natural sciences might earn, and are actu- ally more than what someone holding a bachelors degree in education earns. Learn more…

Conducting Return on Investment Analyses for Secondary and Postsecondary CTE
National Research Center for Career and Technical Education. This report describes a framework for estimating the rate of return for workforce development programs, including secondary and postsecondary CTE, in Washington state. Return on investment (ROI) is based on estimates of the net impact of CTE on individuals' labor market experiences and government income supports after participating in CTE/workforce development programs. This report discusses the estimation approach and presents estimates for postsecondary and secondary CTE from a recent study. Researchers found that participants in CTE programs reap substantial returns--positive earnings-- with almost nil or negative costs for secondary CTE. At the postsecondary level, any associated costs (tuition, foregone earnings) are more than outweighed, even over the short-term, by the economic payoffs of participating. Learn more…